.338 Win Mag
I got mine off of gunbroker for $1000. The previous owner only shot 50 rounds through it. That's the way to go if you really want one. I actually can't believe I got if for that cheap since it's worth more than that. Deagles only increase in value so you should get one ASAP. I remember in the early 2000s you could get a brand spanking new one for $900 at Gander of all places.Just saw one at lunch field & stream in henrietta is selling a 50 DEagle for $1799. For some reason it says on the slide "Desert Eagle Pistol", then 50ae at the very front of the slide. All black. It makes the 10mm 1911 which they are also selling (which looks awesome, btw), look concealable by comparison. Really wish these were not so expensive. Not sure what sort of sighting system would work on it for hunting (which at least would marginally defend the purchase of it).