The radical left wants power purely for power's sake. They will do anything to get it. They will oppress anyone in their way. Those who do not yield to oppression will be eliminated.
The hard left does not care what damage they do to this country. They want to rule. The problem for us is that those in the hard left power structure do not care if they rule over a prosperous nation or a pile of rubble; only that they rule.
At present, the hard left is unopposed on the home turf of their liberal bastion cities. The rioters (really, the shock troops of the Left) are becoming emboldened. They are being protected. They will soon push out of their home territories. They think that they will continue their march unopposed. Where will the line finally be drawn?
I have to admit this assassination has rattled me here in the Cuse.
I often wear patriotic garb. My favorite cap came from the 911 memorial. I am retiring it for mine and my families sake. Why because thugs need need no reason to attack white men that are peacefully walking the street as seen here.
Not going to give any more reason for this polar bear to be hunted. Precedent has been set here with two white elderly men being beaten to death on the street by black youths in the past. Instead I am going low profile. Preparing, staying safe and donating to DJT’s campaign.