So I've been thinking.
I've been sitting back and obeserving things since Vegas, southerland springs and parkland. (no one really cares or even talks about southerland springs because it doesn't fit their agenda because it was a bunch of Christians being slaughtered and the killer was stopped by a good guy with a gun, but I'm including it anyway)
I have seen a very loud and obnoxious shift in the "perceived" attitudes of avg. Joe american. The media is absolutely cheerleading and driving the direction of where this non-debate (demands) are heading.
Unfortunately the socialist left is just behaving like children(because they are being led by children) are are ignoring logic and reality and just shouting down the opposition like a spoiled brat would do.
Where this gets dangerous IMO is that most Americans have the critical thinking skills and long term memory of a goldfish. So if enough of these asshole hang around and keep spewing garbage long ebough, e oygh people will pay attention. Its almost impossible not to because the media is whoring out bad to push this agenda at every turn.
It gets dangerous because it's already getting corporate support. There are already corporations giving support, monetary donations, transportation etc. Because it fits their agenda and they want to be PC and they "perceive" it as being "what people want" so they try to gain favor and good publicity...
Now extrapolate that same mentality to our elected officials. Our politicians suck. 98% would sell us and America out in a second to save their careers if it came to it.
All these "kids" in high school now will be the next big wave of voters in 2020. They are all being indoctrinated and lies to. There is a coordinated effort to change the national narrative and shame gun owners or those who sympathize with the 2a and our constitution.
I can see cuck politicians happily going along with the narrative and trying to show "reasonable common sense" to win favor with voters or donors.
They will deceitfully claim they like guns too, and are pro 2a, but no one needs these weapons of war on the street and we can't jeopardize the safety of the children .
I think there will be a series of new legislations at state levels similar to NYunsafe and perhaps NY will use this opportunity to roll out UNsafe2.0. As far As FUAC is concerns it would be a nice feather in his cap that if he runs for President in 2020 for him to say his state, he is personally responsible for the toughest gun laws in the country.
I think we are in serious trouble if the socialists win back the house or Senate in 2018 or 2020.
And we all better damn well hope for many reasons (the loss of lives and rights) that there are no more horrific shootings for a long time.
I'm worried and concerned. I think there are more pieces of restrictive legislation being written, I'm not so sure this will just blow over and go away.
What do you guys think?
I've been sitting back and obeserving things since Vegas, southerland springs and parkland. (no one really cares or even talks about southerland springs because it doesn't fit their agenda because it was a bunch of Christians being slaughtered and the killer was stopped by a good guy with a gun, but I'm including it anyway)
I have seen a very loud and obnoxious shift in the "perceived" attitudes of avg. Joe american. The media is absolutely cheerleading and driving the direction of where this non-debate (demands) are heading.
Unfortunately the socialist left is just behaving like children(because they are being led by children) are are ignoring logic and reality and just shouting down the opposition like a spoiled brat would do.
Where this gets dangerous IMO is that most Americans have the critical thinking skills and long term memory of a goldfish. So if enough of these asshole hang around and keep spewing garbage long ebough, e oygh people will pay attention. Its almost impossible not to because the media is whoring out bad to push this agenda at every turn.
It gets dangerous because it's already getting corporate support. There are already corporations giving support, monetary donations, transportation etc. Because it fits their agenda and they want to be PC and they "perceive" it as being "what people want" so they try to gain favor and good publicity...
Now extrapolate that same mentality to our elected officials. Our politicians suck. 98% would sell us and America out in a second to save their careers if it came to it.
All these "kids" in high school now will be the next big wave of voters in 2020. They are all being indoctrinated and lies to. There is a coordinated effort to change the national narrative and shame gun owners or those who sympathize with the 2a and our constitution.
I can see cuck politicians happily going along with the narrative and trying to show "reasonable common sense" to win favor with voters or donors.
They will deceitfully claim they like guns too, and are pro 2a, but no one needs these weapons of war on the street and we can't jeopardize the safety of the children .
I think there will be a series of new legislations at state levels similar to NYunsafe and perhaps NY will use this opportunity to roll out UNsafe2.0. As far As FUAC is concerns it would be a nice feather in his cap that if he runs for President in 2020 for him to say his state, he is personally responsible for the toughest gun laws in the country.
I think we are in serious trouble if the socialists win back the house or Senate in 2018 or 2020.
And we all better damn well hope for many reasons (the loss of lives and rights) that there are no more horrific shootings for a long time.
I'm worried and concerned. I think there are more pieces of restrictive legislation being written, I'm not so sure this will just blow over and go away.
What do you guys think?