6.5 Creedmoor
New bills added to Assembly Codes agenda for today @ 11:30am:
A-613A, Criminalizes the sale of ghost guns and requires gunsmiths to register and serialize firearms, rifles, shotguns, and unfinished frames or receivers they assemble.
A-2666A, Enacts the "Scott J. Beigel unfinished receiver act"; relates to unfinished frames or receivers; establishes the crimes of criminal sale of an unfinished frame or receiver in the first and second degrees as class D and E felonies, respectively.
A-613A, Criminalizes the sale of ghost guns and requires gunsmiths to register and serialize firearms, rifles, shotguns, and unfinished frames or receivers they assemble.
A-2666A, Enacts the "Scott J. Beigel unfinished receiver act"; relates to unfinished frames or receivers; establishes the crimes of criminal sale of an unfinished frame or receiver in the first and second degrees as class D and E felonies, respectively.