My grandson got a Daisy Buck 105 this past Christmas...
Its sized perfectly for him.. Problem is, is a worthless piece of MIC crap that stopped working completely after just a few test "rounds". I emailed Daisy, but doubt we'll get any satisfaction as it was bought online, no receipt etc... anyway, any recommendations for SMALL bb rifle thats appropriately sized for a young kid?[8], thats of reasonably good quality, and will work until he grows out of it into something more substantial?[.22].. I have a few older Daisy B rifles that work but they are adult sized and difficult for him to handle...
Its sized perfectly for him.. Problem is, is a worthless piece of MIC crap that stopped working completely after just a few test "rounds". I emailed Daisy, but doubt we'll get any satisfaction as it was bought online, no receipt etc... anyway, any recommendations for SMALL bb rifle thats appropriately sized for a young kid?[8], thats of reasonably good quality, and will work until he grows out of it into something more substantial?[.22].. I have a few older Daisy B rifles that work but they are adult sized and difficult for him to handle...