I am DONE compromising, NFA of 1934, it only affects "some firearms and accessories" not a big deal blah blah blah. Firearms act of 1938, GCA of 1968, not a big deal it only prevents violent felons from having guns.....until the list keeps getting longer, FOPA of 1986, not a big deal so we can't have new machine guns but we are still getting a "right to travel" with our firearms. GFSZA of 1990, it was ruled unconstitutional but congress only had to change the wording of the statute and it is still the law of the land, AW importation act, brady bill, 1994 ban, NICS enhancement act of 2007,etc.
At the state level it gets even worse. No more compromise, the enemies of our civil rights will never be satisfied until there is no more guns. NY and CA introduce legislation every goddamn year to try to one up one another. We eventually are going to run out of places to move to. Civilian ownership of firearms will one day be like ownership of legally owned machine guns, stashed in an attic somewhere collecting dust until all the heirs die one by one.
I despise FUDDS more than the antis, at least we all know the antis agenda, the fudds will just say "I support the 2A BUT...…….some bullshit reasoning about nobody needs an AR15, etc"
They can all eat shit and die.