i'm not sure of the TV show's names .. one i think is forged in steel or something like that .. contestants have to forge a blade and then it goes under testing .. cool show ..
then one where contestants show up with there blade to go through a coarse chopping things and cutting things .. not sure of that shows name . but some
cool looking blades are used ..
only get to see these show at my friends house on the weekend once in a while ..
Forged in Fire - great show. I've seen a lot of those episodes.
Forged in Fire: Knife or Death. Another decent show. The course is not bad. Some of the blades are nice, others make you say, 'what were they thinking?'.
then holy crap .. that silly blade just tore up the coarse ..
Before they let them on the course they run them through some real easy cursory testing. I've seen a couple of blades snap in half with the easy test they put them through before giving them the thumbs up to participate in the challenge. WTF were they thinking?