And our tax dollars go to support every one of them . Now mind you There are some parts of this government that we do need , Police ... in certain towns and cities paid Fireman . Folks that really do put their life on the line everyday. We hardly pay them enough. One thinks back to 911 . Where a long line of firefighters walked into the towers and never came back . And everyday the same thing happens .. but on a smaller scale . Folks putting their lives at risk .
But as a whole we are overloaded with government workers . Where the only reason that job is open is some government worker decided that another layer of government is needed . More rules need to be made .. More regulations need to written and then more government employees need to be hired . . Just look at the Department of education . Created to improve schools .. Expanded well beyond anyone thought possible ... And so many of our schools still fail.
I hope Trump runs the country like a business and eliminates duplicate government jobs. I see duplication in clerks, managers, administrators, bureaucrats and other petty functionaries. There are necessary people like firemen, police, doctors, teachers, engineers, technical people let them be, look at the unnecessary or unproductive jobs government people do.
You want free government cheese, learn to milk the cow and shovel cow shit.