.223 Rem
This is so funny, given his weird/feminine socks and his wife, I just assumed he preferred an "alternative" lifestyle, but it seems he is just a pervert, groping, POS.
George H.W. Bush Responds To Groping Allegations
Before you get defensive, remember this bag of feces, George HW Bu$h: banned so-called assault weapons from being imported (May 1989), thanks to him you had to find all those expensive US parts complying with 922(r) with gun builds, he supported Clinton's 1994 AWB, and he renounced his NRA membership.
To say nothing about all the other dirty deals he was involved in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now we know he is a pervert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what a loser.
George H.W. Bush Responds To Groping Allegations
Before you get defensive, remember this bag of feces, George HW Bu$h: banned so-called assault weapons from being imported (May 1989), thanks to him you had to find all those expensive US parts complying with 922(r) with gun builds, he supported Clinton's 1994 AWB, and he renounced his NRA membership.
To say nothing about all the other dirty deals he was involved in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now we know he is a pervert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what a loser.