Only story I see here is,
Rookie QB Carson Wentz has damn good taste in shotguns!
Wish I was one of his "Offensive" linemen. They all got pretty new shotguns?
Offensive linemen are supposed to be offensive. (LOL)
They absolutely do. A lot do not believe one iota in civilian gun ownership. Period. They will never stop. "Common sense" laws will never stop until all guns are banned. Find any country with strict gun ownership and I guarantee you will still find people who say it's not enough. It's always just one shooting away from them demanding more legislation.
This is why we never give an inch. The bastards take a mile and won't stop until they have everything. I for one want everything back. A pipe dream perhaps but it's still my desire.
I have no issue with another persons opinion. I do not expect everyone to like guns the way that we do. I do not have an issue with them marching on the Capitol of the States or the Federal Government. The best way to encourage change is to fight for what you believe.
What I do take issue with are the lies and the deceit that these people put forth. All I want is honesty. The Truth will indeed set you free. I hate the fact that they are ashamed of their inner, core beliefs. They lie and hide the truth ALL of the time.
I am very happy and proud of my core ideals. I never back down from voicing my truths. I do not care who I offend or piss off. Can't handle my truth, do not ask me my opinion and do not talk to me if so offended.
People like The Hildaloser would have, maybe, a bit of my respect if she were just honest. Don't like guns in the hands of Private Citizens? My god man, stand up tall for what you believe. If others believe the same as you do, they will follow, if they do not, they will stand behind someone else!
It really amazes me how many Americans are so afraid to stand up tall for what they believe deep inside!
I'm fine with then wanting to ban guns, as long as they step up and volunteer for the confiscation squads, because I don't know many gun owners who would give them up voluntarily! So forget the speech part, forget all that noise, let's just cut to the chase shall we? You want them, come get them, but don't expect others to do you dirty work!