Gun-Grabbers Now Targeting Popular Firearms...Because of Criminals
Jan 20, 2023 #1 Dr. Evil 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 36,799 Reaction score 78,504 Location My Underground Lair
Jan 20, 2023 #2 Drinkthekoolaid .475 A&M Magnum U.S. Military Messages 15,574 Reaction score 27,435 Location Unfortunately, NY I'm not even mad anymore. maybe it's going to have a positive net end result if they keep pissing off new and more people. Just go ahead and piss off as many people as possible
I'm not even mad anymore. maybe it's going to have a positive net end result if they keep pissing off new and more people. Just go ahead and piss off as many people as possible
Jan 21, 2023 #3 Saltwater60 .950 JDJ Messages 33,295 Reaction score 37,481 Location Western NY Just ask them why we shouldn’t get silencers. They will tell you that hitmen use them, they do, in the movies!!
Just ask them why we shouldn’t get silencers. They will tell you that hitmen use them, they do, in the movies!!