So how does a law abiding AR owner turning in his / her legal weapon change anything? Are they concerned they'll go out and us it in an unlawful manner? Are they going to destroy ALL their other guns? Those handguns, bolt guns, and shotguns could still be used for evil.
This conversation was edited no doubt. When the one gun owner said if we had no bump stocks 58 people would be alive ... Scripted folks .. As we all know Paddock was bent on killing bump stock or no bump stock .. IF he even ever had a bump stock at all . At this point anything we are told is suspect...
Yelling fire is illegal? bull shit paper thin argument. Inciting a panic when there is no fire is illegal, the word FIRE in itself isn't a banned word ... I really want to get on one of these panels.
If your a black teacher you may get shot when police arrive ... YES! because you've demonized guns so much anyone with one is now a criminal. They actual create a problem and then use the result to justify even more stupidity.