Carlos Hathcock
.450/400 Nitro Ex
Guess there was a gathering in Hamburg recently that I wish I could've attended. Appears that the spineless supervisor doesn't like the fact King Kumhole must've put him on notice for letting the peasants show dissention against the king.
Facebook Groups
Hamburg Supervisor James Shaw wants to prohibit political events on town property following a controversial gun rights rally held last weekend outside Town Hall that featured a show trial of a Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo puppet and highly visible support for President Trump and other Republican candidates.
"I don't think that should occur on publicly owned property supported by all the taxpayers," Shaw told The Buffalo News.
Shaw said he plans to introduce a local law barring overtly political rallies or other events on town property and requiring organizers of nonpartisan protests to apply for a permit, post a security deposit and agree to hold the town harmless in case someone gets injured during the event.
If you don't like the outcome of the game.....just change the rules. Weasel.
Facebook Groups
Hamburg Supervisor James Shaw wants to prohibit political events on town property following a controversial gun rights rally held last weekend outside Town Hall that featured a show trial of a Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo puppet and highly visible support for President Trump and other Republican candidates.
"I don't think that should occur on publicly owned property supported by all the taxpayers," Shaw told The Buffalo News.
Shaw said he plans to introduce a local law barring overtly political rallies or other events on town property and requiring organizers of nonpartisan protests to apply for a permit, post a security deposit and agree to hold the town harmless in case someone gets injured during the event.
If you don't like the outcome of the game.....just change the rules. Weasel.