A strange request perhaps, but here it is.
As the title says, I'd like just one or a few (a few would be nice, for screwup insurance) peices of, preferably unfired, 45acp cases; specifically Nickel plated (that's important).
I'm not a reloader; wish I was, but I'm not. I'm also not asking for this for reloading though.
I'm trying to acquire these for incorporating one into a ring (like a jewelry ring). The intent is to match it with a silver signet type ring, and get an all silvery look; thus why I need a Nickel plated case. It's really just the stamped case head I need (why I'd prefer unfired, to not have any extraction marring, but if I already had any .45 with nickel cases I'd just fire a round and use that). The stamp/branding is pretty irrelevant, so long as it says 45 auto on it.
If someone worked in silver and could make a mock case head out of actual silver, perhaps with a custom 'stamp', that would be rad..but I'm not holding my breath on that.
Anyway, as it's difficult to find anywhere to buy just one or a few cases (if reloading supplies are to be found anywhere these days), I'm reaching out to see if some nice forum member will help me out.
If curious, the inspiration is something like this on etsy, BUT they're kind of a rip-off, at 60 to 75 bucks depending on seller, because I found the source of thier stainless steel rings, and those can be had for less than 15 bucks retail. They're calling them handmade, when really they're just hand gluing a case head to a cheap stock steel ring and gluing in a cheap glass stone. I'm looking for a different design, silver, no stone..and well..other stuff/whatever. Something KIND of like this is the basic idea though.

As the title says, I'd like just one or a few (a few would be nice, for screwup insurance) peices of, preferably unfired, 45acp cases; specifically Nickel plated (that's important).
I'm not a reloader; wish I was, but I'm not. I'm also not asking for this for reloading though.
I'm trying to acquire these for incorporating one into a ring (like a jewelry ring). The intent is to match it with a silver signet type ring, and get an all silvery look; thus why I need a Nickel plated case. It's really just the stamped case head I need (why I'd prefer unfired, to not have any extraction marring, but if I already had any .45 with nickel cases I'd just fire a round and use that). The stamp/branding is pretty irrelevant, so long as it says 45 auto on it.
If someone worked in silver and could make a mock case head out of actual silver, perhaps with a custom 'stamp', that would be rad..but I'm not holding my breath on that.
Anyway, as it's difficult to find anywhere to buy just one or a few cases (if reloading supplies are to be found anywhere these days), I'm reaching out to see if some nice forum member will help me out.
If curious, the inspiration is something like this on etsy, BUT they're kind of a rip-off, at 60 to 75 bucks depending on seller, because I found the source of thier stainless steel rings, and those can be had for less than 15 bucks retail. They're calling them handmade, when really they're just hand gluing a case head to a cheap stock steel ring and gluing in a cheap glass stone. I'm looking for a different design, silver, no stone..and well..other stuff/whatever. Something KIND of like this is the basic idea though.