.308 Win
Greetings and salutations to all! I have vacated the premises from the speedily submerging dinghy like so many before me.
That's funny (dinghy)? LOL like the tidy bowl man circling the drain? LOL before going under LOL. It's every man for himself LOLGreetings and salutations to all! I have vacated the premises from the speedily submerging dinghy like so many before me.
For anyone that was wondering about the problems I had on my 300 black out AR build it turned out to be a combination of the BCG and the ammo. I replaced the PSA BCG with a Stag Arms BCG, and then tried using hornady V-max 110 gr and so far its been flawless! I guess Remmington UMC 120gr is not what it prefers.
Quick question, is there any way to adjust the color combo of this forum? The light grey on dark grey is a little hard to see. Thank you!
Ahh Thank you! Much easier to see now! Many thanks good sir!Very bottom of the page on the left will display your current color scheme. Click to choose another.