I know many of us support Trump but are frustrated that his hope and change hasn't happened as quickly as we'd like. His stances on backing RyanCare and attacking Syria are perplexing, and the general fear is that he'll compromise and be swept along with the Republicrat NeoCon Cucks by forces we don't see or understand. It's a hard time to hold the faith.... But just remember, at the worst he is still not Hillary Clinton. And maybe engage in a little thought experiment:
What would the first 100 Days of a Clinton presidency be like?
I'm doing this in the morning so that most of you can calm down before bedtime, I don't want to be responsible for nightmares and alcoholic benders.
What would the first 100 Days of a Clinton presidency be like?
I'm doing this in the morning so that most of you can calm down before bedtime, I don't want to be responsible for nightmares and alcoholic benders.