They don't have the courage to actually address the issue in a real and meaningful way. But you already knew that based upon life experience I'm guessing.To stop this trade of guns and the killings/shootings/murders in the State, one only needs to go into the inner cities. Go into the poorer areas where the vermin are committing these crimes.
The vast majority of shootings and killings are found there. Not in the Suburbs, not in the Rural areas. Go into these nasty neighborhoods and end their will and want to commit these crimes.
If you are not willing to do this, shut the fuck up.
To stop this trade of guns and the killings/shootings/murders in the State, one only needs to go into the inner cities. Go into the poorer areas where the vermin are committing these crimes.
The vast majority of shootings and killings are found there. Not in the Suburbs, not in the Rural areas. Go into these nasty neighborhoods and end their will and want to commit these crimes.
If you are not willing to do this, shut the fuck up.
That's because, as with most of the shit that flows out of that peanut cannister she calls a head, they've not thought beyond the political / PR aspect."The governor did not give specifics on her plan,"
That's because, as with most of the shit that flows out of that peanut cannister she calls a head, they've not thought beyond the political / PR aspect.
FIFYThe teleprompter didn't say to. It Said "close dick sucker"
Sure, but they get to decide what guns are illegal....Oh good, it's just illegal guns.
Sarcasm.Sure, but they get to decide what guns are illegal....
People like you and I wouldn’t be stopped and frisked but if you had gang colors or looked the part yes. I’m pretty sure the racist liberals have brought it back in NYC.You go back to Guiliani when he fixed the crime issues in NYC. He implemented some controversial measures that worked. Stop and frisk was one such measure. It was deemed racist by the liberals. I am not a 100% supporter of it as it does violate the 4th Amendment, which everyone has a protection under. If they enhanced it more with a concrete probable cause, it could be effective. The one method proposed (and used) is facial recognition. It is part of the Orwellian way, but they would be implemented in cities where surviellance is already out of control. If a suspicious person is tagged, it gives the police the ability to stop people. But that would mean the police were doing their job, which liberals hate. Not to mention, what cop wants to now considering the risk of having to use force and being destroyed as a result of it.
Stop and frisk was not under Guiliani. That was under Bloomberg and Ray Kelly. Guiliani and Bill Bratton did something more novel—- enforce the law. Enforce small stuff and the criminals won’t be around to do the bigger stuff. That simple.You go back to Guiliani when he fixed the crime issues in NYC. He implemented some controversial measures that worked. Stop and frisk was one such measure. It was deemed racist by the liberals. I am not a 100% supporter of it as it does violate the 4th Amendment, which everyone has a protection under. If they enhanced it more with a concrete probable cause, it could be effective. The one method proposed (and used) is facial recognition. It is part of the Orwellian way, but they would be implemented in cities where surviellance is already out of control. If a suspicious person is tagged, it gives the police the ability to stop people. But that would mean the police were doing their job, which liberals hate. Not to mention, what cop wants to now considering the risk of having to use force and being destroyed as a result of it.
Probably.Stop the flow of guns from neighboring states? I cant wait to hear this jackass plan, are we going to search every car crossing into NY?
No. It is true Gouliani's crew started the broken window enforce all law policy but the Giuliani administration did in fact enact the "stop, question and frisk" in the mid-'90s.Stop and frisk was not under Guiliani. That was under Bloomberg and Ray Kelly. Guiliani and Bill Bratton did something more novel—- enforce the law. Enforce small stuff and the criminals won’t be around to do the bigger stuff. That simple.
Stop and frisk form ( it’s an actual form used for a terry stop) had been around since the late 1970s/early 80s. It’s original intent was if a person was suspected of a crime but probable cause couldn’t be established yet( having to let the person go) , the detectives would have a place to start.No. It is true Gouliani's crew started the broken window enforce all law policy but the Giuliani administration did in fact enact the "stop, question and frisk" in the mid-'90s.
NYPD Commissioners William Bratton, Howard Safir and Bernie Kerik developed the program for Giuliani. In this initial effort, after a complaint in a statistically high crime area, officers would stop and frisk about a hundred thousand perps a year (with most encounters leading to a finding).
Bloomberg's adminstration jacked it up to over half a million stop and frisks while dropping any correlation to crime stats or complaints with most encounters on innocents.
Rudy Giuliani says Bloomberg took stop-and-frisk policy too far: 'We understood the law'
Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg cannot run away from his controversial stop and frisk policing, former NYC mayor and attorney for President Trump Rudy Giuliani said
It's been going on long before the 1968 SCOTUS Terry case. I grew up listening to relatives sharing stories about pretextual and systematic stops since the 50s.Stop and frisk form ( it’s an actual form used for a terry stop) had been around since the late 1970s/early 80s. It’s original intent was if a person was suspected of a crime but probable cause couldn’t be established yet( having to let the person go) , the detectives would have a place to start.
For example, a teenager is caught carrying a TV at 3 in the morning but they don’t know what house he took it from. When the owner makes a stolen TV report in the morning, the detectives can match it up.
It was a model that many police departments followed . Only later was it used to punish officers where they would attempt to determine what officer stopped a certain individual who made a complaint.
The stop and frisk numbers were also off because most officers would not fill out the form if they made an arrest because the arrest justified the stop and why fill out extra paperwork.
Why is this well known in certain police circles? Because the form became the centerpiece of any federal decree over a police department. They would be required to have such a form and have it filled out on every terry stop.
The stop and frisk program as in those numbers became a “ quota” under Bloomberg. That program took on the name of the form . That’s why Guiliani is talking about a 600 % increase in the article . The stop and frisk program is over but even today if an NYPD cop does a terry stop , they have to fill out that form.
A lot of downstate departments fill out a form too.
This subject was a big deal in police circles and NYPD friends when that bias judge made her announcement and how the media lied and still lies about it.
Sort of how the media makes it like that Guiliani is well liked among NYPD officers who worked in the 1990s. Go to a cop bar and listen to the old timers talk about him. They curse his name . Love Bratton, hate Guiliani.
The NYPD cops who worked for Guiliani in the 1990s hate him because of all the work they did then got shafted in contract talks. They went from one of the highest paid departments in the 1980s to among one of the lowest in the area. That and other reasons .I can't say I know any cop who thought highy of any mayor or governor but there are certainly mayors they hold in lower esteem than Giuliani and Bloomberg (both are considered egotistical narcissists).
My response was based on my being in a small room / vestibule a couple times (2002 and 2006) with Bloomberg and Giuliani privately bitching at each other with their own sense of history.
The terry case was actually meant to be a way to rein in police officers, not give them the power to stop. It’s actually cited in Terry, a New York case as an example what not to do. In terry, the officer patted down the suspect, then felt an object, then went into the suspects pocket or waistband ( I can’t remember which) to retrieve the object. In the New York case, the police just went into the pockets without a frisk.It's been going on long before the 1968 SCOTUS Terry case. I grew up listening to relatives sharing stories about pretextual and systematic stops since the 50s.
I can't say I know any cop who thought highy of any mayor or governor but there are certainly mayors they hold in lower esteem than Giuliani and Bloomberg (both are considered egotistical narcissists).
My response was based on my being in a small room / vestibule a couple times (2002 and 2006) with Bloomberg and Giuliani privately bitching at each other with their own sense of history.