Yes but... Just one life!You’re missing that mainly conservatives didn’t want the vax in the USA and mostly democrats are crossing the boarder. Its all about obtaining votes.
None of this crap has a solution until there is swift and deterring accountability for the politicians and bureaucrats who either do not secure the borders of this Republic or fail to ensure immigrants that enter are law abiding, self sufficient, and motivated to add to the ideals envisioned by the founders. To fix this for good, we should also be considering the best options for holding all those assholes accountable.
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You’re missing that mainly conservatives didn’t want the vax in the USA and mostly democrats are crossing the boarder. Its all about obtaining votes.
By way of electionsBut it is also about weakening and destroying America.
You start a WW II scaled war and draft all the documented residents. You then can kill off all the good people and leave the wet backs to take over afterwards. Instead of Rosie the riveter back home doing the work we will have Julio the riveter.And how the F do you have a Draft (God forbid)
Right now if they start WWIII and try to draft actual Americans they may find the outcome not of their liking.You start a WW II scaled war and draft all the documented residents.
From there it will become, "our new supercitizens."The new favored term is "newcomers". Rumor is it will be changed in 3 months to "friends we haven't met yet".
They are already trained, just awaiting orders!And how the F do you have a Draft (God forbid) when your country is overflowing with undocumented residents ? (in this context undocumented is accurate).
And how do you train Soldiers that speak multiple languages, let alone lead them ?
I would have thought, since it seems the majority of them are in CA, that it would tip over into the Pacific.can there be so many people that the weight of the continent tips over into the Atlantic and sinks?
just like it might happen to Guam as described by senator Johnson
Glimpsing the bigger plan is helpful in understanding the Big Picture .And how the F do you have a Draft (God forbid) when your country is overflowing with undocumented residents ? (in this context undocumented is accurate).
And how do you train Soldiers that speak multiple languages, let alone lead them ?
But not in AZ.
Exactly right. Government has been captured along with the Justice dept. There is no fear in what they are doing and getting away with.Simple to solve.
Just need to enforce the laws about aiding the crime.
Just need to enforce them against *everyone* who facilitates it, whether they work for a government or not.
Look the other way and employ them, off to the gray bar hotel with you.
Right down to the sanctuary city mayor, or member of their police force or welfare office or anyone else that doesn't call ICE the minute they suspect they have an illegal.
Give them the full "Jan 6th protestor" treatment complete with no knock middle of the night raid, not the cushy "please report for arrest tomorrow" approach.
Then we either get the raids declared unconstitutional, or we get rid of the leftists, or both. It's a win/win.