.450/400 Nitro Ex
How The Coronavirus Is Changing NYC's 2A Community
From the article:
"Markowicz tells me that she has noticed one interesting phenomenon: left-leaning New Yorkers who’ve previously been just fine with the city’s draconian gun control laws, but are now ticked off that the process of acquiring a firearm for home defense can take months and cost hundreds of dollars in fees. Even as the coronavirus has claimed businesses like John Jovino’s Gun Shop and left others like the Westside Range clinging to life support, Markowicz believes that the new demand for firearms among New Yorkers could ultimately have a positive impact on gun culture, and perhaps even gun laws in the city."
From the article:
"Markowicz tells me that she has noticed one interesting phenomenon: left-leaning New Yorkers who’ve previously been just fine with the city’s draconian gun control laws, but are now ticked off that the process of acquiring a firearm for home defense can take months and cost hundreds of dollars in fees. Even as the coronavirus has claimed businesses like John Jovino’s Gun Shop and left others like the Westside Range clinging to life support, Markowicz believes that the new demand for firearms among New Yorkers could ultimately have a positive impact on gun culture, and perhaps even gun laws in the city."