.700 Nitro Express
Then, while you may be registered as a Democrat, you are not really a Democrat. You are essentially a conservative in disguise.I believe in Democracy....I believe the People should direct Government on their priorities and not an elected official who uses the position for power and self gain. I believe in free elections by legal American Americans. I believe the Constitution should be administered as written. I'm a registered Democrap and would never vote for the Democraptic party as long as they do not support My beliefs. As it looks, the "party" may never have My support. I believe there are other registered democraps in this site also.
I think actual Democrats might be in the minority in the Democrat party these days. Half of then are communists in disguise and then there are people such as yourself that ideologically identify more with the Republican values, but are members for political or strategic reasons.
It's like the KKK. If you eliminated the undercover FBI, ATF, etc... and their informants there probably wouldn't be enough people left to sustain the organization LOL.