.700 Nitro Express
And due to the alcohol, the people who didn't like the taste and drank plain water were more likely to die from dysentery (or something along those lines if you aren't playing Oregon trail).I'm going out on a limb here....
By proposing that no one "invented" beer. It's more likely that someone left some liquid, grain-based food laying around, and the right yeast started growing.
That yeast changed the taste and smell and produced alcohol during the process.
Someone thought it smelled good and took a sip...then more sips.
Others joined in and became the first humans to get "shit faced".
So the men told the women -
"Make some more of this and we'll all get loaded and party hardy."
"We're going hunting now...better be a lot more of this stuff here when we get back."
The women figured that with hunting and getting blitzed, the men wouldn't bother them so much, so they made metric shit-tons of beer.
And it was good.
So, evolution favored the "beer tastes good" gene, and here we are today.