"There's no sanctuary from law enforcement," Homan said. "California better hold on tight - they're about to see a lot more deportation officers. If politicians don't protect their communities then ICE will."
The Feds should:
1) flood the state with ICE agents
2) declare the state gov is rogue and file charges against any that voted for this
3) cut any Fed funding that goes to state LEO since they can no longer do part of their job (sorry guys, I know you're caught in the middle
4) immediately arrest any State official who directly orders the release of an illegal, or who interferes with the lawful arrest of said illegal
5) slowly start cutting back on remaining Fed funding to the State for as long as these improper "Laws" are on the books.
Then they should start doing the same to ANY State that has laws which infringe on the Constitutional Rights of citizens in that State (yes, FUAC, I'm talking about YOU).