The problem is Africa has 1.2 B people. Almost uniformly the continent is failed. Majority of its nations have a per capita income under $5,000. It's rife with economic hardship, cultural, political failure. If everybody who hates it there is allowed to leave it would dump half its population overnight. The rest of the world can't absorb that.Many of the migrants - who are mostly from Eritrea and Sudan - say they came to Israel to seek asylum after fleeing persecution and conflict, but the authorities regard them as economic migrants.
The problem is Africa has 1.2 B people. Almost uniformly the continent is failed. Majority of its nations have a per capita income under $5,000. It's rife with economic hardship, cultural, political failure. If everybody who hates it there is allowed to leave it would dump half its population overnight. The rest of the world can't absorb that.
Great vid. Is why when trump said there are shithole countries Most of us nodded our heads. There sure are.
The problem is Africa has 1.2 B people. Almost uniformly the continent is failed. Majority of its nations have a per capita income under $5,000. It's rife with economic hardship, cultural, political failure. If everybody who hates it there is allowed to leave it would dump half its population overnight. The rest of the world can't absorb that.