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In Case You Missed It, the NFL Might Have Caved on a Lot More Than Just the Anthem Protests
It’s safe to say, that when NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell wrote a memo to the league informing them it was time to “move past the anthem controversy.” Most people thought he meant moving past it by ending the protests, and, as a result, ending the controversy. However, a disturbing nugget of information from today’s meeting suggests that Goodell might have meant something else entirely.
ESPN’s Sal Paolantonio caught up with Goodell after the four-hour meeting with the owners and player representatives. Paolantonio asked Goodell if the league had asked the players to commit to standing for the anthem. Goodell’s response, did not inspire confidence.
“We did not ask for that, Sal. No. We spent today talking about the issues that our players have been trying to bring attention to, about issues in our communities to make our communities better. I think we all agree there’s nothing more important than getting back into our communities and trying to make our communities better. That was the entire focus today,” Goodell said.
Huh? How exactly is one to move past the anthem controversy, if no one brings up stopping the anthem controversy?
Also, how about the statement that “we all agree there’s nothing more important than getting back into our communities and trying to make our communities better.” Last time I checked, Roger Goodell was the commissioner of a football league. Now, the highest calling of the National Football League, is community revitalization? How did this happen?
Put Goodell’s Chuck Schumer impersonation together with the news that he, and Seahawks receiver Doug Baldwin, have sent a joint letter to Capitol Hill in favor of prison reform. And one starts getting the distinct impression that the NFL is paying for a cessation in protesting by turning themselves into a George Soros shadow company.
Look at what’s happening here: NFL owners who are so panicky over ratings and empty stadiums are sitting there for four hours in the middle of the season, allowing players and their representatives to decide how to spend their money.
Or, I’m sorry, your money.
Yes, surely at some point in the future NFL players will be required to stand for the anthem, and Amen to that. But let me ask you this question: is forcing the players to stand for the anthem worth it? If in exchange, the NFL becomes a piggy bank for every left-wing activist group in America?
Because make no mistake about it, that’s exactly what’s happening here.
Think back to earlier in the month, remember the story about all the George Soros affiliated groups the NFLPA gave charitable donations to? DeMaurice Smith, the head of the NFLPA and a well-known contributor to Democrats in his own right, was essentially bankrolling every anti-Trump organizations. In addition to groups affiliated with Planned Parenthood, and a whole host of other awful things.
Now imagine DeMaurice Smith flushed with millions of additional dollars in blackmail money from NFL owners who are willing to pay anything to make the Kaepernick-clones go away.
In Case You Missed It, the NFL Might Have Caved on a Lot More Than Just the Anthem Protests - Breitbart
It’s safe to say, that when NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell wrote a memo to the league informing them it was time to “move past the anthem controversy.” Most people thought he meant moving past it by ending the protests, and, as a result, ending the controversy. However, a disturbing nugget of information from today’s meeting suggests that Goodell might have meant something else entirely.
ESPN’s Sal Paolantonio caught up with Goodell after the four-hour meeting with the owners and player representatives. Paolantonio asked Goodell if the league had asked the players to commit to standing for the anthem. Goodell’s response, did not inspire confidence.
“We did not ask for that, Sal. No. We spent today talking about the issues that our players have been trying to bring attention to, about issues in our communities to make our communities better. I think we all agree there’s nothing more important than getting back into our communities and trying to make our communities better. That was the entire focus today,” Goodell said.
Huh? How exactly is one to move past the anthem controversy, if no one brings up stopping the anthem controversy?
Also, how about the statement that “we all agree there’s nothing more important than getting back into our communities and trying to make our communities better.” Last time I checked, Roger Goodell was the commissioner of a football league. Now, the highest calling of the National Football League, is community revitalization? How did this happen?
Put Goodell’s Chuck Schumer impersonation together with the news that he, and Seahawks receiver Doug Baldwin, have sent a joint letter to Capitol Hill in favor of prison reform. And one starts getting the distinct impression that the NFL is paying for a cessation in protesting by turning themselves into a George Soros shadow company.
Look at what’s happening here: NFL owners who are so panicky over ratings and empty stadiums are sitting there for four hours in the middle of the season, allowing players and their representatives to decide how to spend their money.
Or, I’m sorry, your money.
Yes, surely at some point in the future NFL players will be required to stand for the anthem, and Amen to that. But let me ask you this question: is forcing the players to stand for the anthem worth it? If in exchange, the NFL becomes a piggy bank for every left-wing activist group in America?
Because make no mistake about it, that’s exactly what’s happening here.
Think back to earlier in the month, remember the story about all the George Soros affiliated groups the NFLPA gave charitable donations to? DeMaurice Smith, the head of the NFLPA and a well-known contributor to Democrats in his own right, was essentially bankrolling every anti-Trump organizations. In addition to groups affiliated with Planned Parenthood, and a whole host of other awful things.
Now imagine DeMaurice Smith flushed with millions of additional dollars in blackmail money from NFL owners who are willing to pay anything to make the Kaepernick-clones go away.
In Case You Missed It, the NFL Might Have Caved on a Lot More Than Just the Anthem Protests - Breitbart