Well as a Appleseed instructor, this little air-rifle opens up Appleseed Shoots for those kids under 12 here in NYS (As a Nation wide organization all laws must be followed in the State that the shoot is held!)
Many times I get asked by a parent about wanting to sign their child up but they are to young, or they have kids that are older but one that is too young. Now that youngster does not have to sit out while their older siblings are having fun!
And also the Ruger 10/22 is the most common rifle on the line. Now this younger child has started building a foundation on a air rifle that will feel the same (Muscle Memory) as the real 10/22 when they come of age! ( I have a full-size M&P, I wanted to get a SIRT pistol, but the models at the time were modeled after a G17. I heard that a M&P model was in the works so I waited for that to come out!)
Now what also makes this appealing is that it is a 10rd clip (their words in the video) with extras available and easy to change out. The course of fire in rapid fire AQT is 40 rounds in 4 minutes (10 standing, 10 sitting/kneeling and 10 and 10 more in the prone position at 25 meters)