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Iranian Illegal Immigrant and Former Islamist Warns Ben Bergquam of Islamic Terrorism Coming Across the Southern Border, Says “Islamists Will Come Here, Get The Guns, Get The C4 Detonation, and Kill People”
Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam recently spoke to an illegal immigrant and former Islamist, who warned that “Joe Biden is sleeping,” and violence is coming through our southern border at the hands of Islam.
The illegal alien, who traveled from Iran to Jacumba, California, further told Bergquam that if the “US falls, everyone falls.” “If I was governor here, I would be afraid,” the man said, noting that “all these people” coming across our borders are “military age.”
IMMIGRANT: If I was governor here, I would be afraid because all of these people in China, military age; India, military age; myself, I’m military age. And there’s a question coming up in here, one scary question. If an incident between the US and China occurs in Taiwan, what [will] these people do? Either they come on the side of the US or they take China’s side. I don’t know and no one knows.
BERGQUAM: How many terrorists do you think we have in America now?
IMMIGRANT: I don’t have the numbers but a lot. It’s lots of terrorists. And people are saying about America that America is not safe because of guns, but it’s ridiculous. America is safe, America has the strongest democracy and politics because of the guns because of your first and second amendment. America, guns don’t kill people. Radicalists kill people. Guns just do the action… Islamists will do. Islamists will come here, get the guns, get the C4 detonation, and kill people. They’re not good.

WATCH: Iranian Illegal Immigrant and Former Islamist Warns Ben Bergquam of Islamic Terrorism Coming Across the Southern Border, Says "Islamists Will Come Here, Get The Guns, Get The C4 Detonation, and Kill People" | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Con
Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam recently spoke to an illegal immigrant and former Islamist, who warned that “Joe Biden is sleeping,” and violence is coming through our southern border at the hands of Islam.