.308 Win
As I am waiting for the end of the Obama regime, does it seem to anyone else that time is slowing down? How many more days?
Meanwhile: The Hate and vitriol against Trump is getting louder and more bold and it seems to be being lead by Academia and militant Gays or at least militant gays in Academia. Harassing Trump voters and his family on airplanes?
I am telling you that I haven't seen this since the 60's.
I flip through the Cable news stations and all I hear is Trump this and Trump that.
They are still in denial and shock to the point that they have turned into blabbering idiots. No wait, they were always blabbering idiots on some stations.
The past 8 years have turned them into simpletons whose only responsibility was to regurgitate the DNC Daily fax of Talking Points to the public. Now they are sowing seeds of doom and gloom and dare I say it? One of them is going to go Lee Harvey Oswald.
They have forgotten how to be journalists and are trying to hold Trump's feet to the fire after giving Obama and company a free pass. I am hearing them talk about Trump's businesses when they didn't give two craps about the Clinton Foundation and Hillary.
Trump may turn out to be a flop or he could do some great things. Only time will tell. All I know is the current regime has spent more time on the golf course and implementing social engineering than doing what they were supposed to do.
The world is a mess, BATF is a mess - the FBI is a mess - Justice Dept is a mess - IRS is a mess and on and on. Obama's legacy? Girls who think they are boys showering with the football team at your local High School. (Gonna end very badly for some teenage boy)
If anything happens to Trump it is on the heads of the Progressives. You know the all inclusive - gun free - violence is never acceptable - baby chopping - genitalia obsessed - tolerant types that wear safety pins and know more about unicorns and rainbows than anything else. They are being whipped up to a frenzy by the mainstream media and academia.
The inauguration can not get here fast enough. As for me, it is time to party like it's 1999. I only pray that it does get here without incident.
Meanwhile: The Hate and vitriol against Trump is getting louder and more bold and it seems to be being lead by Academia and militant Gays or at least militant gays in Academia. Harassing Trump voters and his family on airplanes?
I am telling you that I haven't seen this since the 60's.
I flip through the Cable news stations and all I hear is Trump this and Trump that.
They are still in denial and shock to the point that they have turned into blabbering idiots. No wait, they were always blabbering idiots on some stations.
The past 8 years have turned them into simpletons whose only responsibility was to regurgitate the DNC Daily fax of Talking Points to the public. Now they are sowing seeds of doom and gloom and dare I say it? One of them is going to go Lee Harvey Oswald.
They have forgotten how to be journalists and are trying to hold Trump's feet to the fire after giving Obama and company a free pass. I am hearing them talk about Trump's businesses when they didn't give two craps about the Clinton Foundation and Hillary.
Trump may turn out to be a flop or he could do some great things. Only time will tell. All I know is the current regime has spent more time on the golf course and implementing social engineering than doing what they were supposed to do.
The world is a mess, BATF is a mess - the FBI is a mess - Justice Dept is a mess - IRS is a mess and on and on. Obama's legacy? Girls who think they are boys showering with the football team at your local High School. (Gonna end very badly for some teenage boy)
If anything happens to Trump it is on the heads of the Progressives. You know the all inclusive - gun free - violence is never acceptable - baby chopping - genitalia obsessed - tolerant types that wear safety pins and know more about unicorns and rainbows than anything else. They are being whipped up to a frenzy by the mainstream media and academia.
The inauguration can not get here fast enough. As for me, it is time to party like it's 1999. I only pray that it does get here without incident.