.450/400 Nitro Ex

I have a good idea. Send planes there to get the Americans out but load those planes with this administration, the squad, the 31 Harvard student groups and the groups around the country celebrating the massacre. When the planes land there unload the scumbags to fend for themselves and then bring back the actual Americans. It's a win win.
The US/NWO has been Jonesing for an excuse to go to war with Iran since the early 70's even when we were failing in Afghanistan, there was this agenda to lead us into Iran...THEY may have just engineered a way into it while falsely showing the World our benevolence while consuming the exploits of war. No Rothchild Banks in Iran are there? Not interested in the Petro-Dollar, still using Gold to back their Currency?Every other word they say is Iran. Count how many times you hear Iran on the news tonight . Im beginning to think Iran may have been the prize all along . Considering they are arming russia with drones and ammo , A strike on Iran could slow the Russians down for a year.
We were told Hezbollah joined in then they were going to join in and still nothing . I would imagine they were told to stand down at all costs to prevent the US from joining the fight and possibly striking Iran and its drone manufacturing plants.
While Poland, Hungary, Brazil, Romania, and other countries sent planes to bring their citizens home from the war zone, our government told us to fend for ourselves. I literally called our embassy asking for help and was essentially told to pound sand. Is this what it means to be an American abroad? Almost all American airlines received taxpayer bailouts, and they were the first to abandon us. They were the first to cancel all flights.
I know its against the "rules" of war but every single hamas member that surrenders should be shot on sight just like all those civilians they killed. No mercy at all.The scum are not clearing out so fast. What you won't hear from the MSM. It's kind of funny. Much of the MSM is acting like the Israeli's are busy preparing for their mission. They make it seem like they haven't done much yet. That couldn't be any further from the truth. Much has very quickly been taking place in the name of the end of Hamas and other terror organizations. I'll say it again... don't fuck with the Israeli military.
An attack by Hezbollah will eventually mean an attack on thier suppliers, Iran.And probably Iranian units in Syria . It also means higher oil prices which is what the US needs to help keep the dollar floating. Its common sense. The question is will Iran reign in Hezbollah to avoid a conflict with the US?
I see an attack by Hezbollah as suicidal , Sure they handed Israel their ass to them in Lebanon a few years back but that was a defensive operation , conducting an a large scale offensive operation is much more complex including mountains of supply and the ability to move them safely and securely . Hezbollah are light infantry, they have no air force, they are out numbered in artillery, tanks, going up against a dug in state of the art Israeli military. Its not going to be pretty. For these reasons I dont think they are going to attack. Even though they want to .
I know its against the "rules" of war but every single hamas member that surrenders should be shot on sight just like all those civilians they killed. No mercy at all.
Oh they're going to send planes but to bring back full of snack bar'sI have a good idea. Send planes there to get the Americans out but load those planes with this administration, the squad, the 31 Harvard student groups and the groups around the country celebrating the massacre. When the planes land there unload the scumbags to fend for themselves and then bring back the actual Americans. It's a win win.
Anyone else think this was done to pull attention away from Ukraine and what's going on in the house?
USS Ford Carrier Strike Group Arrives in Eastern Mediterranean
Hamas has small rockets and inbred jihadi terrorists. Hezbollah has precision missiles built up over time, more money, sophisticated targeting systems and a more disciplined approach. Israel can enter Gaza and begin operations; it will not be easy at all, but it is possible. However, if Hezbollah launches from the North, the U.S. will need to intervene on behalf of Israel.
Hezbollah will not engage Israel without direct approval from Tehran, Iran. Currently Iran views the Biden administration as a useful ally.
From the perspective of Iran, they have an interesting decision. Keep the happy geopolitical leverage they have with the Biden administration or put the Biden administration into a corner by activating their Hezbollah terrorists.
I don’t think Iran will approve Hezbollah for two reasons. First, because they will want to maintain the Joe Biden team’s usefulness for them. Second, I doubt even Hezbollah realized how much success Hamas would have in the 10/7 attack.
USS Ford Carrier Strike Group Arrives in Eastern Mediterranean - The Last Refuge
The Biden administration has one goal in relation to supporting Israel, keep Hezbollah from entering the conflict. Hamas has small rockets and inbred jihadi terrorists. Hezbollah has precision missiles built up over time, more money, sophisticated targeting systems and a more
Granted....If you stand with Palestine today, you stand against Isreal, America, and everything that's decent in the world.
We really do need to start counting who are our enemies and allies.
He said the Biden Administration “must ramp up its efforts to ensure the safety of Americans in Israel and use every tool in its tool chest to rescue our citizens.”![]()
Lawler calls on president to send military planes to Israel to get Americans out - Mid Hudson News
WASHINGTON – Congressman Michael Lawler (R, NY-17), Tuesday, called on the Biden Administration to send military planes to Israel to help get American citizens back home as quickly as possible. “In addition to ensuring that Israel has every resource available to defend itself, we must move
Wonder if the BLM movement will heed the call...?
Don't be so harsh folks .. Oatmeal brain has barbecues to attend to...He said the Biden Administration “must ramp up its efforts to ensure the safety of Americans in Israel and use every tool in its tool chest to rescue our citizens.”
Ramp up lol. You mean from no efforts? This "Resident", his administration and his supporters are a waste of human tissue cells.