.475 A&M Magnum
Isreal has a hell of a defensive Military. She can hold in own in her own area of operations, but little outside of that.
Some day EVERY NATION on earth will attack Israel and they will win. Mark it down.
Well I dont know about every nation on earth . But it seems as if the downfall of the US will bring the wrath of the Muslims down on her. thats for sure. I dont see her winning against the combined might of the entire Mideast .One day Isreal will fall.
Israel has the one thing that Iran desperately seeks. Many of that one thing.
I think he means NukesWhat is that exactly?
2 I don't care that senile pedo and his whore say. America will NOT turn her back on them.
Yes, nukes, and make no mistake, in the back room where minds are spoken plainly, when they threaten with nukes, we will start a war with Iran to prevent that. Which pretext for that to be decided, I'm sure they have at least a dozen of them in inventory.What is that exactly?
And the facility in syria. Very few people seem to know this. I was very surprised how quickly it was forgotten by the media.Israel did a good job or destroying Iraq's nuclear plant without an invasion. Well planned air strike.
Except that israel is not alone. They have been cooperating with the Saudis and other arabs for years. The whole arab vs jew thing has been history for at least a decade. It is now shia vs sunni and the Israelis are an afterthought. The sunnis led by Saudi Arabia have been working with the Israelis against their common enemy iran. If the sunni vs shia conflict is ever resolved then the arabs might go back to their jew hatred.Israel Cant win by herself . Its impossible. She has an advantage today. But if the US steps out of the picture for any unknown reason in the future. Israel is doomed.
When Israel says it will attack Iran, She is dick waving, she cant Attack Iran , no more than Iran can attack her. the distances and supply lines are major pain in the ass requiring huge numbers of troops just to protect it.
So she can hit Iran with an Airstrike. But the Iranians will be alert and waiting , again, because of the distances , early warning systems on both sides prevent a surprise attack by either country. So they growl at each other through the "'fence""
"Some day EVERY NATION on earth will attack Israel and they will win. Mark it down. "
I assume you are talking about the Battle of Armageddon, or possibly the second war of Gog and Magog, because I can't find any scripture reference to ALL nations attacking Israel in the first Gog Magog war.
This is not even close to the spark that will ignite another great war...
We should all be watching China and .Taiwan
With their puppet biden in the white house that is a very safe prediction. I will feel sorry for the people of Taiwan, who don't deserve to be conquered by commie scum. But ultimately I don't think this is our fight.You said it. I think the US is going to punt if China attacks Taiwan.
You said it. I think the US is going to punt if China attacks Taiwan.