.475 A&M Magnum
Fuck this asshole, I have had enough of his constant bellyaching and grand standing on a subject he couldn't care less about.
During live FB diatribe, I wrote this "as a constituent"
I have had it with this douche bag and his lackey's, Feinstein and Gillibrand. I pray to god he calls and wants to debate me, i will bury his ass with facts on his amazing ability to flip-flop on every issue. Bring it on scumbag
During live FB diatribe, I wrote this "as a constituent"
Shut up you obstructionist, you don't give a rats ass about Ford, you only care about "resisting" Pres. Trump. Don't give us that bleeding heart crap either. You said three weeks before anyone was even nominated you were going to protest, resist, and delay ANY nomination. How come you're not saying a single word about Mark Ellison and Cory "Spartacus" Booker both of which ADMITTED TO ABUSING WOMEN, but you and sex slave Gillibrand gives them a free pass. How do you explain over 65 women that support Brett Kavanaugh? This is a political hit and typical character assassination of a good man. You know what the good part is, You and that idiot Feinstein have back yourselves into a corner, You credibility is now non-existent. I can't wait til Pres. trump nominates another Justice, you won't have a leg to stand on. You suck
I have had it with this douche bag and his lackey's, Feinstein and Gillibrand. I pray to god he calls and wants to debate me, i will bury his ass with facts on his amazing ability to flip-flop on every issue. Bring it on scumbag