Let's think a minute, the demonrats held the black man down yet he joined them, like so many others.
Then have the balls to complain how they're treated by the ?? party that they joined only blaming the other party.
Not surprised Bush showed up to kiss his dead ass. Typical political class. When grandstanding to their base is no longer important they are all best buddies. We should go and fight revolutions while they suck each others dick.
Where did someone who was reportedly born in Hawaii and raised in Chicago get a thick Southern accent? Obama was a greasy sleezeball preaching racist political talking points of changing the senate at a funeral. Disgusting even for a racist politician.
Why such a big send off for a second rate mentally unstable congressman? He was close to Dr. King. So were a bunch of white hookers. I hope they will get the same funeral. Bush will give a nice eulogy.