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Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking
That’s BILLION, with a “B”. According to recently revealed court transcripts, in the US Virgin Islands lawsuit against JPMorgan, in the aftermath of Epstein’s death the massive bank reported over $1 billion in suspicious activity reports to the U.S. Treasury.Attorney for USVA, Mimi Liu, outlined details to Judge Jed Rakoff in U.S. District Court in Manhattan last Thursday. According to the astonishing revelations, the entire financial relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and JPMorgan was centered around payments for sex trafficking. There was no other business between the two entities in the 16 years of Epstein’s use of the bank. All of the Epstein account transactions were based around his sex trafficking operation.
Additionally, in the aftermath of Epstein’s death, JPMorgan then reported at least $1 billion worth of transactions under the auspices of “suspicious activity.” This certainly looks like what lawyer Mimi Liu called in court, “covering their ass.”
This certainly puts some semblance of scale to the issues around Epstein and his exploitation of the sex industry to his high profile and powerful clients. The full scale is obviously unknown; however, if JPMorgan is reporting $1 billion in transactions that might be considered risk for them, we can only guess at the amount of the total transaction through the bank.
Keep in mind, JPMorgan already agreed to pay the Epstein Victims $290 million {GO DEEP} to make the victim issues go away. What the hell is the scale of the full banking network if this amount of money is being used to throw a bag over it?
Pulling back to the 30,000-foot view, how the bank was operating certainly does start to make the shadows in the background become more visible. After all, the U.S. government relied on JPMorgan to stabilize the banking sector recently. And, when you overlay the influence of the BIG BANKS on domestic politics, and contrast in parallel with their assistance for corrupt activity like Epstein, suddenly the catchphrase “too big to fail” takes on an entirely new meaning.

USVI says JPMorgan notified Treasury of more than $1 billion in Jeffrey Epstein 'human trafficking' transactions after he died
Jeffrey Epstein, a former friend of Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, killed himself in 2019 after being arrested on child sex trafficking charges.
USVI says JPMorgan notified Treasury of more than $1 billion in Jeffrey Epstein ‘human trafficking’ transactions after he died

Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking - The Last Refuge
That’s BILLION, with a “B”. According to recently revealed court transcripts, in the US Virgin Islands lawsuit against JPMorgan, in the aftermath of Epstein’s death the massive bank reported over $1 billion in suspicious activity reports to the U.S. Treasury. Attorney for USVA, Mimi Liu...