.950 JDJ
I just don’t use it. It’s a nice gun but looking for something bigger. I want a 365xl.
Details I’ve shot about 300 rounds through it. Could be more like 400 but I think it’s fairly low. I bought it new and carried it for about a year. Guns in good shape a few marks. One by the grip where you insert the mag and one by the take down lever. A few fine scratches on the slide. You wouldn’t even know that they were there unless I told you. You have to catch them at the right angle in the sun to even see them. I just want to be up front.
I have 5 mags three 6 rounders and two 8 rounders. It will also come with a remora sticky holster with utiliclip. It carries well and conceals easily, could be pocket carried but it’s a bit large for that. I have carried it in a sweatshirt pocket very easily. I have the original grips, a fatter set of walnut grips, and a set of thinner ebony grips. I made the wood grips but they are nice. I have self defense rounds for the gun if you want them. I’m short a few rounds to stuff all the mags completely but if you’re short it’s better than nothing. I think I’m 5 rounds short and I think there are 30 rounds there.
Keep in mind this is a striker fired compact 1911 style gun with a safety. The negative is the trigger is a bit long but smooth. It’s more like a revolver trigger IMO.
Im in the Buffalo area and willing to meet anywhere reasonable. Of course all laws apply and must be done at an FFL and you cover that. I’ll meet you at an FFL of your choosing as long as they give me the paperwork to get it off my permit. I’m looking for $440 with the ammo and $425 without the ammo. They are selling for about $500 on gun broker with less than I have and cabelas has one for $749.00. Yes that’s high just pointing that out. I’m fairly set on price so don’t bother with other low offers. I would trade for other things. Nothing comes to mind but ammo is always needed and I’m thinking of starting bow hunting. Thinking crossbow but not sure. Also nice knives are appreciated. I’m willing to do cash and partial trade too. I’m not super picky.
Details I’ve shot about 300 rounds through it. Could be more like 400 but I think it’s fairly low. I bought it new and carried it for about a year. Guns in good shape a few marks. One by the grip where you insert the mag and one by the take down lever. A few fine scratches on the slide. You wouldn’t even know that they were there unless I told you. You have to catch them at the right angle in the sun to even see them. I just want to be up front.
I have 5 mags three 6 rounders and two 8 rounders. It will also come with a remora sticky holster with utiliclip. It carries well and conceals easily, could be pocket carried but it’s a bit large for that. I have carried it in a sweatshirt pocket very easily. I have the original grips, a fatter set of walnut grips, and a set of thinner ebony grips. I made the wood grips but they are nice. I have self defense rounds for the gun if you want them. I’m short a few rounds to stuff all the mags completely but if you’re short it’s better than nothing. I think I’m 5 rounds short and I think there are 30 rounds there.
Keep in mind this is a striker fired compact 1911 style gun with a safety. The negative is the trigger is a bit long but smooth. It’s more like a revolver trigger IMO.
Im in the Buffalo area and willing to meet anywhere reasonable. Of course all laws apply and must be done at an FFL and you cover that. I’ll meet you at an FFL of your choosing as long as they give me the paperwork to get it off my permit. I’m looking for $440 with the ammo and $425 without the ammo. They are selling for about $500 on gun broker with less than I have and cabelas has one for $749.00. Yes that’s high just pointing that out. I’m fairly set on price so don’t bother with other low offers. I would trade for other things. Nothing comes to mind but ammo is always needed and I’m thinking of starting bow hunting. Thinking crossbow but not sure. Also nice knives are appreciated. I’m willing to do cash and partial trade too. I’m not super picky.
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