.450/400 Nitro Ex
EV country-wide could be decades away, but I always eat dinner despite the fact that world hunger is not a solved issue. EVs for me have been very fruitful products.He’s saying it’s a pipe dream to turn the nation to plug in only EV country. There is no infrastructure for the nation to do it. A plug in EV can’t go the distances many Americans have to do on a regular basis without a long wait at some charging station ( even if there is no line to use that station ).
For my family’s needs, I could use an plug in only EV if I also had a gasoline car as well.
A lot of my friends commute to NYC and park in Manhattan. Mass transit isn’t a real option because of the hours they work and what they do . Unless charging stations are at every parking meter, EVs aren’t an option. A lot of people are in that position .
How about those apartment dwellers in the cities who have to use street parking ? There will never be enough charging stations because of the amount of time it takes to charge one of these cars.
Other than public perception there are limits like grid handling it, resources to provide all the batteries, charging times, etc.
Charging times are generally bad now but getting better. A company just came out with a 360 kWh meaning it could replenish a tesla model 3 long range car in under 15 minutes, granting another 350 miles of range. These numbers are fudged because batteries charge slower at the bottom and top of the charge, that particular car cannot handle that charge rate, etc. but as we approach the point you can get another tank of gas equivalent range in 10-15 minutes charge it becomes something you could road trip with little compromise.
I still think evs kinda suck for road trips. Too time-consuming, dealing with specific charge locations, unreliability of chargers, etc.