20×102mm Vulcan
She'll have to have them let out. Have you ever noticed the size of her gut and ass? Yuge!!I believe a part of a deal was that Kim returns all of the Hillary's pants suits.
She'll have to have them let out. Have you ever noticed the size of her gut and ass? Yuge!!I believe a part of a deal was that Kim returns all of the Hillary's pants suits.
NO they’re to busy talking Bill CosbI thought it should have gotten more press than it did, I do hope it holds true
Then all hope is lost!I believe a part of a deal was that Kim returns all of the Hillary's pants suits.
It seems that way with the SK president saying Trump deserves a nobel piece prize.
They've given up on the nuke program how many times now? And every time they've cheated and lied and continued- after extracting a bunch of concessions from the world.
Nukes are part of NK's DNA. They underpin the legitimacy of the Kim dynasty as well as the NK concept of juche, and there is simply no way I can believe Kim will verifiably give them up. What does he lose by "stopping testing" considering (a) they have never told the truth or followed through on these promises and (b) Kim accidentally blew up his testing facility so he has no place to test (right now) anyway. His deal at this point isn't test exploding devices- they know they can- it's miniaturizing them and delivering them.
And yes- I would love to be wrong.