.44 mag
Had this old girl in the bottom of a tool box for years . It was pretty beat up with dents, but the bayonet-blade was in nice shape. It always needed scales and I always put off making them. My son and I decided it was a nice, quick project so we cut two slabs out of a piece of figured walnut I had. I have been trying to get him acclimated to power tools (and knife-making in particular) and he seems to embrace it. Check the pics. We used double-sided tape to adhere the new scales to the knife body tightly, so my son could profile them. He then hand-sanded them to fit, then JB-Welded them to the body. Finish sanded with 1000 paper then stained with Dark Walnut. Then some clear coat and let dry. I think it came out nice for a quick re-hab.
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