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Remember back in 2012 when the Supreme Court narrowly upheld the Obamacare mandate with a 5-4 decision but only after Judge Roberts, a Bush appointee, seemingly parted with his conservative counterparts on the bench to effectively, single-handedly preserve perhaps the most destructive piece of legislation in American history (if not, we wrote about it here)? Many people were shocked by Judge Roberts' decision and subsequently alleged that it was driven more by politics than his interpretation of the Constitution.
Turns out those people were proven right today as a new Podesta email confirms that the Obama administration applied political pressure on Roberts to sway his decision: "it was pretty critical that the President threw the gauntlet down last time on the Court...that was vital to scaring Roberts off."
Leaked Emails Reveals Clinton Campaign Plotted Supreme Court Threat Over Obamacare | Zero Hedge
Turns out those people were proven right today as a new Podesta email confirms that the Obama administration applied political pressure on Roberts to sway his decision: "it was pretty critical that the President threw the gauntlet down last time on the Court...that was vital to scaring Roberts off."
Leaked Emails Reveals Clinton Campaign Plotted Supreme Court Threat Over Obamacare | Zero Hedge