20×102mm Vulcan
Left goes into overdrive, trying to pin Epstein case on Trump
With the bust of longtime Democratic donor and Bill Clinton buddy Jeffrey Epstein on sex-trafficking charges, it's pretty amazing, the scope of the Left's effort to pin the whole thing on President Trump.
It's going on all over, as if directed by some Mighty Integral from far above, to borrow a phrase from Tom Wolfe from The Right Stuff. It's orchestrated. It's universal. It's big. And it's about as honest and fact-filled as the Russian collusion narrative.
Here are the top three areas, and these aren't the only ones:
One, the press.
With the bust of longtime Democratic donor and Bill Clinton buddy Jeffrey Epstein on sex-trafficking charges, it's pretty amazing, the scope of the Left's effort to pin the whole thing on President Trump.
It's going on all over, as if directed by some Mighty Integral from far above, to borrow a phrase from Tom Wolfe from The Right Stuff. It's orchestrated. It's universal. It's big. And it's about as honest and fact-filled as the Russian collusion narrative.
Here are the top three areas, and these aren't the only ones:
One, the press.