20×102mm Vulcan
Expect every system you have ever relied on to go to shit. Every system we rely on on a regular basis is just robust enough to cover "normal". The minute things become abnormal, systems can fail. This can be as simple as relying on Amazon's two-day delivery or having Door Dash bring you your regular dinner (both of these systems were very over taxed as the pandemic ramped up) to being able to pivot if your local stores are out of flour/rice/toilet paper/etc (while people were fighting over rice in the early days of the pandemic, there was still plenty of flour on the shelves, when the flour was gone, there were still plenty of lentils and corn meal). Don't even get me started on people prioritizing toilet paper over food...panicking people make poor decisions.
Lessons Learned from the Pandemic So Far (1-10)
preparedness, survival, conspiracy