20×102mm Vulcan
Levin has done some homework ....
I believe he mentions this .. in the past ... ..Will go to SCOTUSTwo words: Activist judges.
Also consider; jury nullification works both ways. What happens if a jury were to get stacked with a bunch of self serving libtards?
We are 5 minutes short of anarchy in a banana republic.
They could try to charge him ... Obit salted this country with liberal judges ... The game plan is to tie up his life with distractions and he will not move his agenda forward .....Of course Trump is in great shape.
He has done nothing but play games since he decided to run for office.
He is playing the game of Washington and he is killing it.
This is what makes the Libtards angry; he is wining at their game.
He will not be impeached, he will not be charged with a crime.
They got nothing!