Glenn B
.308 Win
...but sometimes its early end could have been prevented. Being armed and able to protect yourself and being situationally aware might have helped in this case:
Mexico, the guy that got killed was running for some sort of political officeWhat shit hole country was that from?
People can spend their lives with their heads up your asses or can spend it keeping an eye open as often as they can to be aware of what is going on around them. Sure, you cannot and will not always be completely aware but trying to be alert is better than being caught totally unaware at just about every moment of your existence. As for drawing on everyone who approaches, that is one heck of an extreme view to put up to counter my view that it is better to be at least somewhat aware than to be oblivious. I have not draw a weapon on every person who has ever approached me but often have crossed the street when I have seen what I thought was potential trouble approaching or sought cover because of trouble that was imminent and I do try to stay aware of my surroundings. I draw my weapon only when I think it appropriate to protect myself or loved ones from an imminent threat to life or of serious bodily harm.Unless you spend your whole life looking over your shoulder and drawing on everybody that approaches,being armed wouldnt have helped.
So this guy had his head up his ass?Or is it you think I have my head up my ass?You never have a conversation with someone on the street,without twitching and turning like a paranoid schizo?I have carried,both on and off duty for over 30 yrs,having a gun does not make you invulnerable.How do you know the guy that got shot wasnt carrying?Wouldnt make a difference in this situation,unless he drew his weapon as soon as the guy started walking towards him.People can spend their lives with their heads up your asses or can spend it keeping an eye open as often as they can to be aware of what is going on around them.
Well, the man who was shot was not paying attention to his surroundings except to those to whom he was speaking. He was zoned in on them and zoned out on everything else by the look of it. He was running for political office in Mexico. Mexico is now one of the most dangerous countries in the world. Politicians and anyone opposing drug gangs are at very high risk of being targetted. Yes, I guess I would say he essentially had his head up his ass or in the sand or was almost totally oblovious at that time and it faciltated him being gunned down.So this guy had his head up his ass?Or is it you think I have my head up my ass?You never have a conversation with someone on the street,without twitching and turning like a paranoid schizo?I have carried,both on and off duty for over 30 yrs,having a gun does not make you invulnerable.How do you know the guy that got shot wasnt carrying?Wouldnt make a difference in this situation,unless he drew his weapon as soon as the guy started walking towards him.