.700 Nitro Express
The key to winning a street fight is being violent enough, soon enough.So, too me, this goes back to many in the past discussions here on the forum.
Self defense and training are needed. All good loving Americans should train some.
The training need not be hand to hand combat or weapons training...
It could be as simple as mindset training.
So many say they would do this, that and the other thing, but the reality is, many Americans do not have the mindset to completely crush another that is messing with them or their family.
Saying what you would or would not do is NOT enough. All need to pull their heads out of their third point of contact and come to the understanding that there are really bad people among us.
Keys between the fingers is very simple to do. Keys on a longer peice of 550 cord makes a good defense weapon. Prepare the mind and fight the fuck back!
Unfortunately the key to staying out of jail (for now) is waiting long enough before bringing the violence (if it can't be avoided, obviously).
Just like telling a good joke, timing is everything.
But, once you decide violence is necessary, bring all the violence you can muster, as fast and hard as you can bring it, until the threat no longer exists.
If things continue down the course they are, the "staying out of jail" part of that equation may change significantly.
Imagine you're a black man in 1900 Georgia and you're attacked by some white thugs. Your best course of action would *not* have been to call the police after you defended yourself. That’s where *we* are headed now.
That black guy would have to make those attackers disappear, not run away, but just disappear. Just chasing them off is not sufficient. Waiting for his "day in court" would be suicide. Better to get some good allies and swampland.
Get ready, that world is coming back, and it is coming for us.