longshoremen shut down 2 CA ports April 07, 2023
Apr 9, 2023 #1 L livingston 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 46,910 Reaction score 129,112 Location livingston county
Apr 9, 2023 #2 Saltwater60 .950 JDJ Messages 33,950 Reaction score 38,359 Location Western NY I thought Joe and Pete had it all under control?? Good shutdown the economy I’m ready. Something has to change prices and inflation are too high. This will not help that though.
I thought Joe and Pete had it all under control?? Good shutdown the economy I’m ready. Something has to change prices and inflation are too high. This will not help that though.
Apr 9, 2023 #3 Acer-m14 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 35,614 Reaction score 38,041 Location Livingston so the workers said FU .. so why didn't you show up and take on work to get the job done ??