Yucaipa residents and business owners protecting city ready to battle looting
Jun 3, 2020 #1 L livingston 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 47,019 Reaction score 129,454 Location livingston county Yucaipa residents and business owners protecting city ready to battle looting
Jun 4, 2020 #2 Mr. terzmo .308 Win Messages 3,165 Reaction score 3,210 Location Pendleton NY Wonder why pelousy"s place wasn't vandalized?? Maybe a lot of ARMED agents? With high capacity magazines..full auto anyone ? Where has Chuck you shumeroid been during this entire time ?? Or adam shifty in his super democratic man uniform ?
Wonder why pelousy"s place wasn't vandalized?? Maybe a lot of ARMED agents? With high capacity magazines..full auto anyone ? Where has Chuck you shumeroid been during this entire time ?? Or adam shifty in his super democratic man uniform ?