Sidney Powell did an excellent job today representing the interests of her client Michael Flynn at the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Every client should be so fortunate. Following the hearing, Ms. Powell appears with Lou Dobbs to discuss the overall issues. The Great Lou Dobbs represents the...
The strategy is almost comically obvious. Have the judicial system drag this out until the election which will be stolen by mail in and other fraudulent votes. Then fire Barr, Durham and all the rest and close the investigations. If by some chance the reports are released before the inauguration simply have the press ignore them or attack them as politically motivated witch hunts.
And this is why, years ago, I decided that, regardless of circumstances, I would never participate in anything involving any part of the criminal "justice" system.
This is Robert's role model and hero - Roland Freisler...Nazi "jurist"...participant in the Wannsee Conference with such scum as Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann.
John Roberts is a disgrace, filth, traitor, an obvious communist, and worse than getting diarrhetic dog shit on your shoes.
Nothing but a gelded ass crack cleaner to the left. Jerry "Nadless" Nadler is more admirable than least he uses Vaseline without ground glass in it.
Oh, did I mention??? I think John Roberts is an asshole.