Don't know what precipitated that; or what the guards were saying during the beatdown, but pretty sure some or all will be going to prison.
And I'm guessing NYS is going to have difficulty hiring replacements.
Brutal to watch.
You can be sure that the lawyers (Ben Crump or similar) will rush in, and his family members will be certain to hit the perp's death lawsuit lottery.
And I'm guessing NYS is going to have difficulty hiring replacements.
Brutal to watch.
You can be sure that the lawyers (Ben Crump or similar) will rush in, and his family members will be certain to hit the perp's death lawsuit lottery.

Disturbing body cam footage shows NY prison guards brutally beating handcuffed inmate, leading to his death
“There is no excuse and no rationalization for a vulgar, inhumane act that senselessly took a life,” said state corrections Commissioner Daniel Martuscello III.

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