Dr. Evil
20×102mm Vulcan
Didn't hear about this. Used to see this douche on Hannity when I watched Fox. He was a big gun control guy and former executive director of Every Town For Gun Safety.
Reportedly, he died on Oct. 31.
Mr. Glaze was arrested on a charge of driving under the influence in September.
He was being held at Lackawanna County Prison after his arrest on September 9th for fleeing the scene of a car accident in Dunmore, Pennsylvania.
In addition to that, Police charged him with DUI, accidents involving deaths or personal injury, abandoning a vehicle on the highway, and careless driving, according to DailyMail.
Not saying anyone here should care. When I saw something related to this asshat though I thought, "Oh yeah, that guy." Every time I saw him debating gun control I wanted to beat the snot out of my television set. Just didn't know if anyone else on here had similar experiences while viewing a segment with him in it.Did the author of that article ever work for Mid-Hudson News or write press releases for NYSP?
They ask if it was suicide or murder but give no information on how he died. Why does it have to be one or the other?
Most importantly, does anyone here care?
Ban cars, sounds like he killed someone with one. Its the cars fault!Quite the upstanding shitbag, who wanted everyone disarmed and routinely lied through his freakin teeth to try to do it.
Odd that he didn't make bail.