.475 A&M Magnum
Probably not a nuke but its pretty big.
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Religion of peace or pieces?Just another day in the land of the religion of peace.
Lots of pieces.......muslim piecesReligion of peace or pieces?
Makes sense. or some other industrial operation. Starts with a fire which leads to an explosion. A deliberate bomb wouldn't be like that.Apparently fireworks factory.
It was a warehouse on the docks.Fireworks would leave white-grey-black smoke. That red color indicates a huge excess of nitrogen dioxide or something similar. Looks like a chemical explosion to me.
Totally agree, anyone in the blast radius is now fertilizerFertilizer.
Apparently fireworks factory.
in the video from an apartment there are flashes in the initial fire before the explosion.It was a ship's contents of contraband being stored. Sodium nitrate AND fire works. There are clearly fireworks going off.
I think sniffers would have already detected a radioactive spike environmentally. The simplest explanation is usually the most plausible. Explosion in fireworks storage facility that also store some form of ammonium nitrate.A fire in a fireworks warehouse is just too perfect a cover for a secondary explosion. Want to set off a dirty bomb? What better way to disguise it than with a fire at a fireworks warehouse......