Take back the House and the Senate and he we be neutered for the last 2 years of his presidency!
Can someone explain what the midterm elections really do in terms of impact to the parties?
The law he broke was in the budget bill that financed the Afghan army. The president was to report to Congress about the war if certain moneys were spent.Is this an actual crime in the federal law? I am curious. I looked but my google skills are not all that sharp.
The definition is quite concise, as is the stated punishment. I’m of the opinion that the criteria in Art 3 Sec 3 has been met, the buck stops at the commander in chief but does not exclude the top brass, and the tribunal should commence immediately. This is well beyond the political paper tiger of impeachment.Thank you.
For real.
You made a statement, I asked a question about your statement and you came back with a great answer.
I keep seeing more and more demanding impeachment and no one comes back with what crimes to charge with.
I still think the 25th amendment is a better option. I think this route is a better option for the country
Take back the House and the Senate and he we be neutered for the last 2 years of his presidency!
Not if those seats are filled with weak Republicans and RHINOs
Section 3
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
I wouldn’t put it past the CDC to say we need to take the meteor vaccine in case it comes our waywhere's that FUCKING meteorite that's going to impact earth at ? It's about time for a reset
Impeachment would never happen with the house the way it is. Attempting it would be a strategic blunder, no matter how justified it was.Hmm, wonder if he has a point. Could impeachment backfire with the way the media is.
I am not sure removing Biden would be a net benefit at this point.Thank you.
For real.
You made a statement, I asked a question about your statement and you came back with a great answer.
I keep seeing more and more demanding impeachment and no one comes back with what crimes to charge with.
I still think the 25th amendment is a better option. I think this route is a better option for the country
I am not sure removing Biden would be a net benefit at this point.
We would get Kamala.
Remove her and we get Pelosi.
I think our best hope is to take back congress next year, and just stall everything possible until 2024.
I think our best hope is to take back congress next year,
If they don't lose both houses of congress after the debacle that is the biden administration, you will know that there is only one box left for liberty. That will be the time to decide if you are going to open it or not.And what miracle will be pulled out to achieve that?
If there really was fraud in the Presidential election in 2020, what's to stop them from doing the same in 2022?
Was Clinton really ever impeached to be honest? That guy still acting like he was the bestImpeachment would never happen with the house the way it is. Attempting it would be a strategic blunder, no matter how justified it was.
Just like you may be perfectly justified in shooting the mugger, but drawing on a drawn gun is still a bad idea.