6.5 Creedmoor
A while back the media all learned that the best way to make money (read: get advertising dollars) was to shock Americans with some catastrophic story. Better stories = more people listening/watching = more advertisers and highers dollars per minute. So along comes Washington DC and the corruption and good-ole-boy back room deals, and the media tells everyone how useless DC is. Do that for 30 or 40 years, and the average American views the beltway as a cesspool. Along comes the 2016 race. Killery the Crook on one side, and on the other side a bunch of reasonably intellectual, extremely well educated, Constitutionally knowledgeable people with deep legal and political backgrounds. But by now it doesn't matter - because the Media has made it's trillions by telling all of us how every single one of these people are corrupt shitstains. So even though Christie, Rubio, Cruz, Kasich, and some others are great conservative choices against that socialist whore; Americans revolt by picking the ONE person who is from outside the beltway AND has some business experience. Doesn't matter that he is inerudite and cannot articulate a coherent sentence. Doesn't matter that his degree was in economics with an emphasis on real estate and not in constitutional law. Doesn't matter that he never went to grad school. Doesn't matter that he has zero military experience. Doesn't matter that he has no well defined plans and just talks about "how everything will be beautiful". None of it mattered because he was the ONLY outsider and Americans were fed up with insiders. So the media basically pointed us at Trump; and then when they realized "oh fuck" and tried to put the genie back in the bottle it was too late. Trump was already the majority choice. So now we have dumb or dumber. Either way we are fucked. I truly blame the media for dumbing down America. Hope they are proud of themselves.